Anaerobic Fatigue

What do five mid-sea­son NFL foot­ball play­ers and a lit­tle old lady have in com­mon?

If you guessed Fatigue — your right.


Fatigue has remained an unre­solved, and life lim­it­ing, mys­tery for many.  The exper­i­ment start­ed last year in Cleve­land, and this year in St. Louis, with a group of foot­ball play­ers want­ed to go to sleep — all the time.:

  • Dur­ing team meet­ings;
  • On the bench dur­ing an NFL foot­ball games.

Who ever thought elite ath­letes, in the prime of life, would suf­fer from fatigue, just like lit­tle old ladies?

Who ever thought their bod­ies would hurt for the same rea­son?

BurningRunnerThis was a sur­prise.  Our analy­sis deter­mined the pro­fes­sion­al ath­letes, just like the lit­tle old lady, all had low oxy­gen as r hypox­ia, or hypox­emia.  Their bod­ies were oxy­gen deprived, even though their was plen­ty of oxy­gen in the air, and their lung capac­i­ty var­ied from nor­mal to supe­ri­or. Their bod­ies were not deliv­er­ing oxy­gen to tis­sues. But why?

Stress had dam­aged the body’s mech­a­nisms that move oxy­gen from their lungs to body tis­sues.

The foot­ball play­ers called of sea­son fatigue — they blamed their tired on con­tin­u­ous games and prac­tice, and pain on the play impact.

4080333_sThe lit­tle old lady called it chron­ic fatigue, and blamed her tired on stuff nobody could explain, and her pain on some­thing else nobody could explain called fibromyal­gia.

We stud­ied both at the same time and dis­cov­ered it was very sim­i­lar, if not the same. We dis­cov­ered each had three prob­lems. All of them had:

So we tried a sim­ple, drug-free exper­i­ment, and fixed them all in 30 min­utes. Want to know more?

Check out Live O2, Extreme O2 or Con­tact us now.


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