
Hov­er over the menu to access the case stud­ies by con­di­tion.


Broken Nose

Imme­di­ate Trau­ma Care with Zeta Probe reduced 24 hour swelling and bruis­ing by at least 70%.

Achilles Tendinitis

This is a mul­ti-year case of pro­gres­sive Achilles ten­dini­tis that per­ma­nent­ly resolved in a sin­gle 1 hour ther­a­py ses­sion.  Full res­o­lu­tion took 30 days with 75% dis­com­fort relieved by the end of the ses­sion. httpv://

Jason Brown — Knee Sprain

This is a case of self care — Jason Brown — Cen­ter STL Rams. Jason got a hyper-extend­ed knee in a game and quick­ly enough not to miss any games. Tech­nolo­gies Used: Mag­na­pulse PEMF ePad

18 month bad Knee Restored in 3 weeks

Win­ston was Michael Vick­’s blind side guy until the 2010 play­offs when he over­played and made a bad injury worse. Eleven months, and two surg­eries lat­er, he could bar­ley walk, let alone run or play. We did 3 Enstem ther­a­py ses­sions Mon­day, Tues­day and Wednes­day.  With­in 3 weeks he was start­ing.  The car­ti­lage and knee …

Laurent Robinson — Last Season’s Ankle

Lau­rent Robin­son made big news this year with the Dal­las Cow­boys. Last year his ankle and sea­son fatigue lim­it­ed his per­for­mance, and career. We fixed his fatigue, and his ankle, so this year, he became a super­star. Here is the rest of the sto­ry… WHN’s new ankle recov­ery pro­to­col is recov­ers emerg­ing super-stars left­over ankle …

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Injury Recovery