Category: Uncategorized

February 18 Update

The cam­paign is offi­cial­ly kicked off. I will start try­ing to get on some of the broad­casts I have in mind start­ing tomor­row. I am actu­al­ly get­ting excit­ed now that things are final­ly mov­ing. There is so much infor­ma­tion I would love to men­tal­ly down­load from the two books if it were only pos­si­ble. With …

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Welcome to my EDtv version of “Can diabetes be cured?”

This project is being kicked of with a crowd fund­ed effort to document/blog and oth­er­wise demon­strate the rever­sal of dia­betes and its atten­dant side effects. Using two books writ­ten by MDs and with the prodi­gious guid­ance of Dr. Roy Heil­bron, co-cre­a­tor of the South Beach Diet, we will pro­vide incon­tro­vert­ible proof that dia­betes can be …

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