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Improve Your Diges­tion Diges­tion Pro­to­col Nau­sea Pro­to­col Buy Betaine-HCL Stom­ach acid is the crit­i­cal sec­ond step in diges­tion. Why stom­ach acid is impor­tant What hap­pens when you have low stom­ach acid Func­tion­al Mal­nu­tri­tion occurs with poor diges­tion — regard­less of food intake Acid Reflux Drugs — that reduce stom­ach acid make a bad prob­lem worse Please …

Enzymes for Digestion

Pan­cre­at­ic Enzymes for Diges­tion Nev­er take enzymes after a meal. Sup­ple­ment Wake Break Lunch Din­ner Bed Unit Pur­pose Pro­tease and Lipase Enzymes 1 1 1 Gram Aid in diges­tion to sup­port weak­ened pan­creas. This table pre­sumes sig­nif­i­cant defi­cien­cy in enzyme pro­duc­tion. A gram is a high dose of enzymes. Dos­ing enzymes at this lev­el nor­mal­ly …

GI Cocktail

Gas­tro-Intesti­nal, GI Cock­tail for Gut Bugs This pro­to­col often helps with pathogen relat­ed diges­tive issues. Symp­toms which most often respond to this strat­e­gy are: Nau­sea Vom­it­ing Flat­u­lence Diahrrea The pro­to­col is bro­ken into three parts, cor­re­spond­ing to the area of the diges­tive sys­tem most affect­ed. Mate­ri­als for pro­to­col: Betaine HCl Col­loidi­al Sil­ver, CS Grape­fruit Seed …

Gut Flora Repopulation

The intestines are stocked with a wide range of bac­te­ria.  Many con­di­tions may dam­age diges­tive sys­tem flo­ra. It is often use­ful to restore gut flo­ra after resolv­ing the issues which caused it to die off in the first place: Restore Stom­ach Acid / Betaine How­To Stress This pro­ce­dure often helps to restore diges­tive com­pe­tence as a …

Vitamin C Flush

Vit­a­min C Flush Vit­a­min C is a well known antiox­i­dant. It is known to cause diar­rhea at high lev­els.  This is known as “bow­el tol­er­ance”.  Bow­el tol­er­ance is known to cause diar­rhea.  Vit­a­min C at suf­fi­cient lev­els is a mild irri­tant which caus­es the body to elim­i­nate gut con­tents.  This can be quite use­ful with con­sti­pa­tion. These instruc­tions …

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