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Improve Your Digestion

Buy Betaine-HCL

Pep­tic Stric­ture Inflam­ma­tion that caus­es GERD

Stom­ach acid is the crit­i­cal sec­ond step in diges­tion.

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Betaine-HCL Digestion Protocol

It is impos­si­ble to pre­dict how much Betaine-HCL will be required. This method deter­mines the num­ber of cap­sules to aid diges­tion. Grad­u­al­ly increas­ing stom­ach acid to a point of a warm­ing sen­sa­tion enables deter­mi­na­tion of the amount which will typ­i­cal­ly be required for improved diges­tion.

You will only need to use this method at the first meal. After you know how many Betaine-HCL you need, you can just take them at the mid­dle or end of each meal.

Betaine Test Meal Instruc­tions:

  1. Eat ½ of meal
  2. Take 2 cap­sules
  3. Wait 1 min­utes
  4. Is stom­ach Warm?
  5. If Yes, remem­ber num­ber, this is your stan­dard dose. Eat rest of meal
  6. If No Take anoth­er cap­sule, wait 2 min­utes, and so on
  7. Stop at 10 cap­sules unless oth­er­wise direct­ed

If 10 cap­sules does not pro­duce a warm­ing sen­sa­tion, then you are very acid defi­cient or lack the abil­i­ty to pro­duce Hydro­gen. Ask your doc­tor to test if you have H‑Pylori. H‑Pylori con­sumes hydro­gen and like­wise lim­its cre­ation of stom­ach acid.

Even if 10 cap­sules do not pro­duce warm­ing, they will be of big ben­e­fit improv­ing food absorp­tion and diges­tion — Con­tin­ue tak­ing them.

If you reach 10 Betaine, you like­ly have sig­nif­i­cant stress tox­ins. See Stress Detox­i­fi­ca­tion How­To.

Betaine-HCL Nausea Protocol

For Nau­sea:

  1. Score the Nau­sea on a Scale of 1–10
  2. Take One Cap­sule if under 60 lbs, two if 60–120 lbs, three if 120 lbs+
  3. Wait 2 min­utes
  4. Score Nau­sea again
  5. Stop if:
    • Nau­sea gets worse
    • Nau­sea stops get­ting bet­ter
    • You’ve hit 6/12/15 cap­sules (Increase if tol­er­ance last time was good)
  6. Con­tin­ue if:
    • Nau­sea is bet­ter
    • There is no change and less than 4+ cap­sules. [4+ means that you can increase the ceil­ing each time you use the pro­to­col. I’ve used 10 with my kids with­out ill effect.]

If the pro­gram does not work, it means that the issue is prob­a­bly more liv­er relat­ed than stom­ach.

Deplete Stomach Acid

When stom­ach acid is deplete, there are three unfor­tu­nate results:

  1. Nutri­ents are not absorbed;
  2. Unfriend­ly organ­isms flour­ish in the gut fur­ther dis­rupt­ing diges­tive health;
  3. The liv­er refrains from releas­ing alka­li bile to avoid burn­ing the gut.

Indi­ca­tors for inad­e­quate stom­ach acid are:

  • Belch­ing;
  • Diges­tion which stalls in the stom­ach;
  • Heart­burn;
  • Gut or stom­ach bloat­ing;
  • Chron­ic diar­rhea when the body sens­es par­tial­ly digest­ed food is tox­ic;
  • Chron­ic con­sti­pa­tion when the gut con­tents are retained and com­pact­ed.

Over time, the com­bined absence of diges­tion bile release caus­es liv­er tox­ins to accu­mu­late, and final­ly health degen­er­ates due to both mal­nu­tri­tion and tox­ins. Chron­ic esoph­a­gus irri­ta­tion can leads to many med­ical con­di­tions includ­ing hiatal her­mia, Gas­troe­sophogeal Reflux Dis­ease (GERD), and even esophageal can­cer.



Stom­ach in the human body.

Betaine-HCl is a com­bi­na­tion of HCl, or Hydrochlo­ric Acid and trymethyl­glycine, TMG,  from beets.  In the stom­ach, the mol­e­cules split, and the HCl becomes avail­able for diges­tion. The increased quan­ti­ty of HCL improves ion­iza­tion and break­down of pro­tein and foods, result­ing in improved diges­tion.  TMG is used by the body’s mas­ter detox­i­fi­ca­tion process, methy­la­tion.

Increas­ing stom­ach acid­i­ty kills the bac­te­ria and stop the per­co­lat­ing bub­bles hence the dis­com­fort.

Betaine-HCL Under Use

Betaine-HCL pro­vides stom­ach acid and will aid diges­tion and reduce mal­nu­tri­tion which vir­tu­al­ly always accom­pa­nies hypochlorhy­dria.

Use of insuf­fi­cient amounts of Betaine-HCL may increase diges­tive dis­com­fort:

  1. Heart­burn results from fer­ment­ing organ­isms which cre­ate gas bub­bles;
  2. Which car­ry weak acid up into the esoph­a­gus;
  3. Caus­ing dis­com­fort because the acid irri­tates the esoph­a­gus;
  4. Betaine-HCL increas­es stom­ach acid lev­els;
  5. So Stronger stom­ach acid can increase esophageal dis­com­fort;
  6. Unless it is strong enough to dis­able fer­ment­ing organ­isms from pro­duc­ing gas;
  7. Enough acid stops the bub­bles;
  8. Which car­ry the stom­ach acid into the esoph­a­gus.

To resolve heart­burn, take 4 Betaine, prefer­ably 600 mg. Use of a sin­gle Betaine usu­al­ly increas­es dis­com­fort because it makes the stom­ach acid strong enough to hurt more, but not enough to dis­able the microor­gan­isms caus­ing the gas bub­bles.

More cap­sules, usu­al­ly 4, increase the stom­ach acid enough to dis­able the organ­isms. This stops the gas and resolves the heart­burn. A small increase in most cas­es only increas­es the dis­com­fort by mak­ing the acid which hurts the esoph­a­gus stronger.

Overshooting Betaine-HCL

Do not take Betaine with car­bo­hy­drate only meals.  Use Betaine only with meals hav­ing pro­tein.

If you take too much, it may cause dis­com­fort.

  • Take 1/2 tsp of bak­ing soda in water.
  • Add ½ tea­spoon of bak­ing soda to a short glass of water and drink.

It is also pos­si­ble for the stom­ach to be too acidic. This is very rare. In this case, Betaine will cause excess dis­com­fort. The bak­ing soda, sodi­um bicar­bon­ate, will quench the stom­ach acid very quick­ly and elim­i­nate acidic stom­ach pain.


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