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GI Cocktail

Gastro-Intestinal, GI Cocktail for Gut Bugs

This pro­to­col often helps with pathogen relat­ed diges­tive issues. Symp­toms which most often respond to this strat­e­gy are:

  • Nau­sea
  • Vom­it­ing
  • Flat­u­lence
  • Diahrrea

The pro­to­col is bro­ken into three parts, cor­re­spond­ing to the area of the diges­tive sys­tem most affect­ed. Mate­ri­als for pro­to­col:

  • Betaine HCl
  • Col­loidi­al Sil­ver, CS
  • Grape­fruit Seed Extract, GSE
  • If Avail­able — Strong diges­tive enzymes includ­ing Pro­tease and Lipase
  • If Avail­able — Pro­bi­ot­ic Blend

Nausea and Vomiting

The Upper Gas­tro Intesti­nal tract is the stom­ach. It is an acid bath employ­ing most­ly Hydrochlo­ric acid. Pathogens which pro­duce upper stom­ach symp­toms gen­er­al­ly dis­able or inhib­it HCl pro­duc­tion in the stom­ach.

Reduced Acid enables them to repro­duce. After repro­duc­tion, they dis­place nat­ur­al bow­el flo­ra in the low­er seg­ments of the diges­tive tract, and pro­duce increas­ing durable, acute and esca­lat­ing symp­toms in the low­er por­tions of the GI tract.

Betaine,Hydrochloric Acid aka Trymethyl­glycine, is an effec­tive rem­e­dy for nau­sea caused by stom­ach pathogens. Increas­ing the stom­ach acid­i­ty with Betaine restores stom­ach acids, and inhibits repro­duc­tion of ges­ta­tion­al pathogens in the stom­ach.

Nau­sea and vom­it­ing are usu­al­ly relieved in 1–3 min­utes with admin­is­tra­tion of appro­pri­ate amounts of Betaine. Dosage can be sig­nif­i­cant, even for indi­vid­u­als with nor­mal­ly com­pe­tent diges­tion. Sug­gest­ed Nausea/Vomiting pro­to­col:

  1. Take 1 cap­sules, put cap­sule in mouth, use small sip of water to wet cap­sule, then use a swal­low or two of water to swal­low cap­sule;
  2. Wait 1 min­utes;
  3. Is there a decrease in nau­sea or need to vom­it?
  4. Yes, start over at 1
  5. Are symt­poms gone?
  6. Take 1 more cap­sule
  7. If there a burn­ing sen­sa­tion in stom­ach?
  8. Take 1/4 tea­spoon of bak­ing soda in water, and stop tak­ing Betaine

This process pro­duces relief quick­ly. Repeat pro­to­col if symp­toms return.

Kid Cor­ner. It’s often hard to get kids to swal­low pills, so the Betaine only works with old­er kids. It seems like 500 mg of stom­ach acid is a lot for a small stom­ach, but it took about 7 betaine over an hour to get nau­sea and vom­it­ing urge under con­trol in a 7 year old tum­my.

One at a time is usu­al­ly best. Keep the 1/4 tea­spoon of bak­ing soda handy in case you over­shoot. Too much results in a burn­ing dis­com­fort instead of nau­sea. 1/4 tea­spoon of bak­ing soda is about enough to can­cel a sin­gle Betaine.

Using this method pre­vent­ed low­er GI chal­lenge, diar­rhea etc., with the 7 year old.


Gas devel­ops when the pathogens escape the stom­ach and dis­rupt func­tion of the low­er GI tract. Gas results when food fer­ments in the gut in the absence of suf­fi­ceint sol­vent chem­i­cals to break it down into ele­men­tal nutri­ents. Fer­men­ta­tion sug­gests over­growth of yeast and fer­men­tive organ­isms which flour­ish in pres­ence of poor­ly ion­ized food.

Poor food break­down is the result of insuf­fi­cient diges­tive reagent per­for­mance. Fer­men­ta­tion is a symp­tom not a cause. This usu­al­ly equates to a defi­cien­cy in one or more diges­tive sol­vents. Major diges­tive sol­vents are:

  • Hydrohlo­ric Acid from the Stom­ach (above dis­cus­sion on Betaine)
  • Pan­cre­at­ic Enzymes, Pro­tease, Amy­lase and Lipase
  • Bile (from the liv­er and gall blad­der)

A path­o­gen­ic over­growth, as dis­cussed above, usu­al­ly inhibits stom­ach acid pro­duc­tion. Decreased stom­ach acid enables down­stream pathogen pro­lif­er­a­tion, and wors­en­ing of Low­er GI symp­toms.

  1. Treat nau­sea as need­ed with Betaine from sec­tion 1 (decreas­es source of pathogens)
  2. If Avail­able — Take 3 enzyme cap­sules hourly (Increas­es diges­tive reagents)
  3. Take 1 Table­spoon Col­loidi­al Sil­ver every 3 hours (Anti-path­o­gen­ic)
  4. Take 20 drops Grape­fruit Seed Extract every 3 hours (Anti-path­o­gen­ic)
  5. Con­tin­ue pro­to­col for three hours after symp­toms go away

The pro­to­col tar­gets pathogens:

  • Betaine dis­rupts pathogen ges­ta­tion in the stom­ach reduc­ing the pop­u­la­tion which sur­vive to infect the gut;
  • Enzymes increase the pro­te­olyt­ic lev­els in the gut, and increase the con­cen­tra­tion of agents which nor­mal­ly oppose many sorts of pathogens;
  • Col­loidi­al sil­ver is a broad-spec­trum anti-path­o­gen­ic, which tests pos­i­tive to dis­rupt repro­duc­tion of many gram neg­a­tive and gram pos­i­tive bac­te­ria;
  • Grape­fruit seed extract, is like­wise very antipath­o­gen­ic.
  • The com­bi­na­tion approach rapid­ly decreas­es the sur­viv­abil­i­ty for pathogens, usu­al­ly with­in 2 hours.

Relief usu­al­ly begins at the top of the diges­tive sys­tem. The stom­ach set­tles first, then as the agents pro­ceed down the gut, the decreased pop­u­la­tion of nox­ious organ­sims, decreas­es low­er GI symp­toms.

Kid Cor­ner / GI Cock­tail. Two younger chil­dren, 2 & 4 years, were unable to use Betaine. After cop­ing with vom­it­ing episodes, the result was delayed low­er GI chal­lenge includ­ing nox­ious diar­rhea fever & etc.„ after about 3 days.

We used 3–4 oz of orange juice with 2 tsp of col­loidal sil­ver (taste­less), and 4 drops of Grape­fruit Seed Extract (very bit­ter), twice in an hour. The GI cock­tail end­ed the GI dis­tur­bance in one appli­ca­tion over two hours iwith no fur­ther diar­rhea or appar­ent dis­com­fort. Sig­nif­i­cant appetite returned with­in 1 hour of use. No fur­ther dis­com­fort and stools nor­mal­ized with­in hours.

Pro­bi­otics are often help­ful after the infec­tion is relieved. See Bow­el Flo­ra Repop­u­la­tion.

Par­ent Cor­ner. I was first in the symp­tom line for the infec­tion, first expe­ri­enc­ing Nau­sea. Resolved with­in 5 min­utes using Betaine tech­nique. I stopped betaine when symp­toms abat­ed, like­ly result­ing in incom­plete bug sup­pres­sion, and delayed low­er GI infec­tion. Over the next 6 days spu­ri­ous nox­ious diar­rhea devel­oped into six days even­tu­al­ly shift­ed to con­tin­u­ous at 1 hour inter­vals.

At day num­ber 6, start­ed hourly pro­bi­otics at 2:00 p.m. and 20 drops Grape­fruit Seed Extract, 1 ounce col­loidal sil­ver, 8 Betaine with din­ner (rare rib-eye steak, pre­dict­ed sub­stan­tial and unpleas­ant diges­tive chal­lenge which nev­er occured).

Flat­u­lence con­tin­ued at bed­time, although diar­rhea end­ed soon after GSE/CS cock­tail. Diges­tive sys­tem nor­mal­iza­tion was top-down, diges­tive sys­tem dis­com­fort & bloat­ing dis­ap­peared from top down, cat­alyzed by enzyme tra­ver­sal of low­er GI.

All flat­u­lence gone by morn­ing. Morn­ing stool was nor­mal. All dis­com­fort gone. Still a lit­tle weak from 6 days of com­pro­mised diges­tion.


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