
Oxygen Multistep Therapy

Exer­cise with oxy­gen was pio­neered by Man­fred Von Ardenne. It is an inex­pen­sive and sim­ple ther­a­py strat­e­gy which improves tis­sue oxy­gen deliv­ery. Our research indi­cates it may sub­stan­tial­ly more effec­tive than hyper­bar­ic:

  • Very Fast Results
  • Low Cost Equip­ment
  • Low­er Risk


Von Ardenne wrote a book called Oxy­gen Mul­ti­step Ther­a­py which is, by far, the sem­i­nal ref­er­ence on oxy­gen ther­a­py.

Ardenne describes how stress trig­gers durable inflam­ma­tion — and how inflam­ma­tion sub­se­quent­ly com­pro­mis­es health.

Ardenne described how plas­ma hypox­ia trig­gers inflam­ma­tion in the endothe­lial tis­sues, which sets up durable restric­tion to blood flow in cap­il­lar­ies.

More impor­tant­ly he devel­oped a method to quick­ly and durably fix it. The method is applic­a­ble indi­vid­u­als with a broad range of sit­u­a­tions rang­ing from mild degen­er­ate health to coma.

  1. Blood leaves the heart in arter­ies and flows through a fun­nel net­work to tiny cap­il­lar­ies;
  2. “Stress” dis­rupts the bloods abil­i­ty to release oxy­gen at the tis­sues;
  3. This caus­es inflam­ma­tion in the cap­il­lary on the out­go­ing side of the cap­il­lar­ies;
  4. Which fur­ther lim­its blood flow;
  5. Which caus­es more stress;
  6. And so on…

Rever­sal of the con­di­tion requires a sus­tained, but finite, ele­va­tion in plas­ma, (the flu­id which car­ries red blood cells), oxy­gen lev­el to turn off the cap­il­lary inflam­ma­tion, and restore cir­cu­la­tion.

Cap­il­lary venous inflam­ma­tion is a con­trib­u­to­ry com­po­nent of vir­tu­al­ly all patholo­gies, and a func­tion­al lim­i­ta­tion in vir­tu­al­ly all heal­ing respons­es. This is ful­ly doc­u­ment­ed in Oxy­gen Mul­ti­step Ther­a­py, $89.95 on (Amazon.com).

Ardenne’s Clinical Publications -

Sup­ple­men­tal Ref­er­ences


We have advanced pro­to­cols based on Arden­ne’s work:

Research Roundup

OMT Safety Discussion

Oxy­gen Mul­ti­step Ther­a­py has been in con­tin­u­ous use in Europe for 30+ years with vir­tu­al­ly no safe­ty issues. It is a very pow­er­ful ther­a­py and pro­duces rapid results, includ­ing detox­i­fi­ca­tion.

Here is a more com­plete dis­cus­sion of safe­ty as per Man­fred von Arden­ne’s ref­er­ence — based on mil­i­tary div­ing research.


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Oxygen Multistep Therapy