Mark Squibb

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  1. Stress and Stomach Acid — 2 comments

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Betaine-HCL Use Guide

Improve Your Diges­tion Diges­tion Pro­to­col Nau­sea Pro­to­col Buy Betaine-HCL Insuf­fi­cient stom­ach acid caus­es prob­lems. This is the inflam­ma­tion that caus­es GERD. Gerd occurs when weak stom­ach acid per­co­lates up the esoph­a­gus because the stom­ach acid is too weak to kill yeast but strong enough to irri­tate the esoph­a­gus. Over time this inflam­ma­tion weak­ens esoph­a­gus tis­sue …

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Stress and Stomach Acid

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