February 18 Update

The cam­paign is offi­cial­ly kicked off. I will start try­ing to get on some of the broad­casts I have in mind start­ing tomor­row. I am actu­al­ly get­ting excit­ed now that things are final­ly mov­ing. There is so much infor­ma­tion I would love to men­tal­ly down­load from the two books if it were only pos­si­ble.

With my next update I will start putting in spe­cif­ic gems from the books. In the mean time I am halfway try­ing to fol­low Dr. Ripich’s sug­ges­tions, but since I can’t take the first  round of tests, I don’t want to change any­thing yet. So I real­ly need to get this mov­ing along so I can start with the cure part of things, The longest jour­ney starts with a sin­gle step. Step tak­en!

Welcome to my EDtv version of “Can diabetes be cured?”

No Diabetes symbol

My No Dia­betes Sym­bol

This project is being kicked of with a crowd fund­ed effort to document/blog and oth­er­wise demon­strate the rever­sal of dia­betes and its atten­dant side effects. Using two books writ­ten by MDs and with the prodi­gious guid­ance of Dr. Roy Heil­bron, co-cre­ator of the South Beach Diet, we will pro­vide incon­tro­vert­ible proof that dia­betes can be cured and just how to do it! Fol­low along and if you can go to

https://www.youcaring.com/medical-fundraiser/can ‑dia­betes-be-cured-/137940 

to con­tribute. Thanks and may you be tru­ely blessed!

Diabetes forum

Wel­come to Whole Health Net­work.

This care site pro­vides an active forum for ongo­ing research and exper­i­ments for Whole Health Net­work mem­bers seek­ing to resolve symp­toms often asso­ci­at­ed with Dia­betes.

Please vis­it the Cause and Care pub­li­ca­tions to review the cur­rent pub­li­ca­tions relat­ing to cur­rent strate­gies restore nor­mal phys­i­ol­o­gy from con­di­tions which lead to glu­cose dys­reg­u­la­tion.
