Med Free NFL Season / Jason Brown

Ever heard of an NFL play­er going a whole sea­son with­out pain meds?

Any­body who has spent a moment with­in earshot of a NFL foot­ball game respects the col­li­sion crunch that 300+ pound line­men deliv­er. These guys pack enough pow­er to pul­ver­ize a nor­mal human.

Every hit in every game hurts some­thing, even if you’re big and pow­er­ful your­self. Over a sea­son, the pound­ing piles up.

By mid-sea­son, every­thing hurts so most play­ers start, and usu­al­ly end, every day with anti-inflam­ma­to­ry and pain med­ica­tions. These med­ica­tions pre­vent pain from dis­abling the play­ers, the team, and even the sport. With­out these meds, most play­ers would be side­lined with dis­abling pain from accu­mu­lat­ed injury ear­ly in the sea­son.

Over the last two sea­sons, every NFL play­er who has used WHN heal­ing sys­tem reports:

  • Play per­for­mance not depen­dent on med­ica­tion;
  • Injury does not accu­mu­late through sea­son;
  • Injuries recov­er fast, usu­al­ly <1/2 expect­ed time;
  • Reduced risk of severe injury;
  • Feel strong & play hard the entire sea­son;
  • Strong and con­sis­tent con­tri­bu­tion to the team;
  • No feel­ing like retire­ment nec­es­sary because of injury.

Why? They don’t hurt any more. They feel good. Their bod­ies heal so fast, that a week is long enough to recov­er from last week’s pound­ing. Dam­age does­n’t pile up any­more.


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