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Monday Magic

It is said, the effects of play­ing in an NFL Game feel about the same as being in 3 “fend­er-ben­ders”.  Win­ning a Stan­ley Cup typ­i­cal­ly involves a 20+ game run (at the end of an 82 game sea­son).  From UFC to the Olympics, the NBA to the World Cup com­pet­i­tive sport places demands on the human body that threat­en the very health of the indi­vid­ual.  Elite ath­letes not only over­come these chal­lenges they make it look easy.

Jason Brown Play­er Page

To help ath­letes han­dle the “wear and tear” real­i­ties of their cho­sen sport, The WHN Store is pleased to offer its “morn­ing after solu­tion”.  We’ve seen no bet­ter com­bi­na­tion of tech­nolo­gies and tech­niques for pain res­o­lu­tion, accel­er­at­ed injury recov­ery and gen­er­al­ly feel­ing nor­mal again.  And by the way, you don’t need to be an elite ath­lete to ben­e­fit from the “morn­ing after” solu­tion.  It’s per­fect for the rest of us who are sim­ply seek­ing ways to stay healthy or feel bet­ter, or for an employ­er seek­ing ways to keep employ­ees healthy and reduce insur­ance costs.

Here’s what the “morn­ing after” solu­tion con­sists of:

  1. Pulsed Elec­tro­mag­net­ic Field (PEMF) Ther­a­py Device – the sharpest tool in the shed
  2. Alti­tude Con­trast Recov­ery Sys­temalti­tude train­ing in your home
  3. E‑PAD Body sys­temsome­thing cur­rent NFL clients describe “as tak­ing the sting out of putting that first toe on the floor on Mon­day morn­ing”
  4. Pelvic Cor­rec­tion­al Tech­niqueis to the spine and joints what brush­ing is to teeth
  5. Meta­bol­ic Assess­ment – a com­pass for stay­ing strong and pow­er­ful

Priced indi­vid­u­al­ly these items will over $40,000.  As an inte­grat­ed “home clin­ic recov­ery sys­tem” we are pleased to offer them at a pack­age price of $35,000.

For details, ques­tions, and to order call Jim at 970–372-4274;


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