LiveO2 Protocol Case Report — 10 Concussions


This 25 year old sub­ject reports approx­i­mate­ly 10 con­cus­sions with esca­lat­ing qual­i­ty of life chal­lenges start­ing at age 14.  This sub­ject com­plet­ed a series of 3 train­ing ses­sions using LiveO2 over a peri­od of 5 weeks.  CNS pan­els show pro­gres­sive improve­ment in brain func­tion at each test even­tu­al­ly improv­ing from 1 to 8 tests above aver­age.  Sub­ject illus­trates improve­ments in neu­ro­log­i­cal flu­id­i­ty with gui­tar impro­vi­sa­tion in video.  Sub­ject report­ed last­ing ces­sa­tion of night ter­rors by sec­ond train­ing, restora­tion of mem­o­ry, and res­o­lu­tion of depres­sion.

Pro­to­col was LiveO2 Whole body flush.

Panel‑1 Before Training

Results Snapshot - Before training

Per­son­al sto­ry, reports of mem­o­ry loss, and dif­fer­en­tial musi­cal per­for­mance.

Panel‑2 Immediately After Training

Immediately after LiveO2-AC Training
Note: The low scores on visu­al and audi­to­ry mem­o­ry tests reflect admin­is­tra­tion error. These tests should have been omit­ted from the sec­ond test because there was not enough time between the tests for sub­jects to “for­get” the first test. Con­fu­sion between test sets caus­es the sec­ond score to be arti­fi­cial­ly low. There was only 2 hours between the tests.

Note the dra­mat­ic increase in above aver­age scores.
Qual­i­ty of Life Report

  • Brain fog
  • Night ter­rors
  • Lost cre­ativ­i­ty
  • Social dys­func­tion
  • Self-score learn­ing mem­o­ry  5–6

Panel‑3 After 3 Weeks

Test 3
Notes:  The major­i­ty of the scores that improved per­sist­ed after 3 weeks.  The decrease in visu­al and com­pos­ite mem­o­ry like­ly reflects unre­solved trau­ma in the cor­re­spond­ing brain areas.

Panel‑4 After 5 weeks

Test at 5 weeks
Notes:  Across the board improve­ment show­ing 8 areas of above aver­age per­for­mance.  Exem­plary per­for­mance in com­plex atten­tion, scor­ing in the top 1%, up from low aver­age in the ini­tial pan­el.


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