Mark Squibb

Author's posts

LiveO2 Protocol Case Report — 10 Concussions

Abstract This 25 year old sub­ject reports approx­i­mate­ly 10 con­cus­sions with esca­lat­ing qual­i­ty of life chal­lenges start­ing at age 14.  This sub­ject com­plet­ed a series of 3 train­ing ses­sions using LiveO2 over a peri­od of 5 weeks.  CNS pan­els show pro­gres­sive improve­ment in brain func­tion at each test even­tu­al­ly improv­ing from 1 to 8 tests above …

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Concussion Protocol Case Report

Abstract: Sub­ject reports a series of three head injuries span­ning 18 months, from falls and a car acci­dent result­ed in pro­gres­sive com­pro­mise in qual­i­ty of life and dis­abling dis­abil­i­ty.  Neu­ro­log­i­cal pan­els before first ses­sion, after first ses­sion, and after two ses­sions at day 7, illus­trate improve­ment of brain func­tion.  CNS scores improved from 1 to 7 above aver­age scores …

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Concussion Care