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Anaerobic Fatigue

What do five mid-sea­­son NFL foot­ball play­ers and a lit­tle old lady have in com­mon? If you guessed Fatigue — your right.   Fatigue has remained an unre­solved, and life lim­it­ing, mys­tery for many.  The exper­i­ment start­ed last year in Cleve­land, and this year in St. Louis, with a group of foot­ball play­ers want­ed to …

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Science of Fatigue

Fatigue is cel­lu­lar dys­func­tion that occurs when a body’s ener­gy sup­ply fails to meet ongo­ing demand result­ing in an absence of ener­gy, or tired­ness. What are Mito­chon­dria? Mito­chon­dria Research Library Fatigue occurs when the cel­lu­lar ener­gy the Mito­chon­dria ATP pro­duc­tion falls short of demand. This is nor­mal­ly due to a pro­longed break­down in the Aer­o­bic Krebs …

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