
This pre­sen­ta­tion describes the mechan­sim of cell fatigue.  See Cause resources for a mod­el of why this pro­to­col is nec­es­sary. Use these links to access each seg­ments (iPhone, etc.) or to access the text ver­sion:

His­tor­i­cal pro­to­cols which tar­get clear­ance of fatigue have a his­to­ry of poor suc­cess because they do not simul­ta­ne­ous­ly key caus­es of a fatigue con­di­tion.

This pre­sen­ta­tion describes the cel­lu­lar mech­a­nism of fatigue, and how to improve and usu­al­ly restore cel­lu­lar ener­gy pro­duc­tion.

Pro­to­col Resources & Ref­er­ences:

  1. Alti­tude Con­trast Pro­to­col
  2. Oxy­gen Mul­ti­step Ther­a­py
  3. Chalco­gen Sup­ple­ments: Oxy­oil
    • Restores Sul­fur & Sele­ni­um
    • Breaks down errant lipoids which absorb Chlo­ride (Revi­ci)



Abstract This pre­sen­ta­tion seg­ment describes the series of effects that lead to the choke mech­a­nism. Basic top­ics: Cel­lu­lar stress event, Trig­gers Na/K imbal­ance, Inflates the cell, lim­its Future Flow, plas­ma only, forces anaer­o­bic, and locks stress. The Vas­cu­lar Net­work The human vas­cu­lar sys­tem is a net­work of about 50,000 miles of tubes that car­ry blood. …

Product Overview

Cel­lu­lar Fatigue Cel­lu­lar ener­gy is health. Cel­lu­lar fatigue is dis­ease. Any fac­tor that lim­its cell ener­gy, reduces per­for­mance, and reduces defens­es. This com­bi­na­tion makes cel­lu­lar ener­gy the most impor­tant fac­tor in all of health, it defines cel­lu­lar per­for­mance that gov­erns qual­i­ty of live, and the cel­lu­lar weak­ness that defines vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty to all dis­ease. Health care …

LiveO2 Therapy

LiveO2 / Oxy­gen Pulse Ther­a­py Oxy­gen Pulse Ther­a­py was first devel­oped by Man­fred von Ardenne as Oxy­gen Mul­ti­step Ther­a­py. Oxy­gen Pulse Ther­a­py induces a tem­po­rary max­i­mum in plas­ma oxy­gen con­tent, and oth­er fac­tors, to restore cel­lu­lar oxy­gen deliv­ery. Ther­a­py tar­gets cap­il­lary chokes with a mul­ti­ple effect pulse of ele­vat­ed heart­beat, oxy­gen, CO2, pulse pres­sure, and …

Cure Cellular Fatigue

Intro­duc­tion This pre­sen­ta­tion con­cludes with a method to rapid­ly cure cel­lu­lar fatigue. This is prob­a­bly the most impor­tant health infor­ma­tion most peo­ple will ever encounter. The mate­r­i­al between here and there describes fatigue as a cas­cade of stress induced effects that inhib­it cell ener­gy. This loss caus­es local, and lat­er, body-wide decrease in cell vital­i­ty, …


Safe­ty This sec­tion pro­vides prac­tial cau­tions regard­ing Oxy­gen Pulse Ther­a­py. Oxy­gen is very safe, unless it is abused or over used. Harm is pos­si­ble, but far beyond the rec­om­mend­ed use described in this pre­sen­ta­tion. Oxy­gen Con­cen­tra­tion There are sev­er­al cau­tions about oxy­gen use: Breath­ing pure oxy­gen for 12 or more hours can harm the lungs; …

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