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Jason Brown

Jason Brown / St. Louis / Wis­dom for Life

Jason seeks ways to be whole spir­i­tu­al­ly and phys­i­cal­ly.  Jason’s use of Whole Health Net­work tools, Mag­na­Pulse, Alti­tude Con­trast, ePads, and Nutri­ent sys­tems, reflects con­sid­er­able research & study of many dif­fer­ent meth­ods. He feels that ener­getic and nutri­ent medi­at­ed heal­ing meth­ods help his health by aid­ing nat­ur­al heal­ing process­es.

Line­men, who accu­mu­late trau­ma with every play, are the most vul­ner­a­ble career-lim­it­ing injury accu­mu­la­tion.  Jason and oth­ers report that their injury and fatigue are no longer career fac­tors.  Like Jason, play­ers who use our com­bi­na­tion of Mag­na­Pulse, ePads, and nutri­ents, report lit­tle or no need for pain med­ica­tion dur­ing the sea­son.

Jason (wikipedia) is a six year vet­er­an who played in Bal­ti­more, and now St. Louis.  Jason is already in the record books (wikipedia) as the high­est paid Cen­ter in the NFL.

Jason reports use of these tech­nolo­gies has enabled him to avoid sea­son fatigue:

Care Method Treat­ments Recov­ery Time Per­cent Res­o­lu­tion Issue Began
Sea­son Fatigue Alti­tude Con­trast 3x week & On Fatigue Imme­di­ate 100% Whole Career
PEMF Liv­er Charge
Mon­day Mag­ic ePad Sleep & Injury


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