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Cure Cellular Fatigue


This pre­sen­ta­tion con­cludes with a method to rapid­ly cure cel­lu­lar fatigue. This is prob­a­bly the most impor­tant health infor­ma­tion most peo­ple will ever encounter.

The mate­r­i­al between here and there describes fatigue as a cas­cade of stress induced effects that inhib­it cell ener­gy.

This loss caus­es local, and lat­er, body-wide decrease in cell vital­i­ty, which enables dis­ease, fatigue and degen­er­a­tion.

The cas­cade is enabled by a known, but med­ical­ly unno­ticed, func­tion of blood which trans­ports oxy­gen and nutri­ents to parts of the body that do not have a nor­mal blood sup­ply.

Actionable & Fast

For most of us, these meth­ods are an ulti­mate self care tool to halt, and usu­al­ly reverse the main destruc­tive effect of stress on body cells. These pro­to­cols restore the vital flow that deliv­ers nutri­ents and car­ries away waste.

The sys­tem sim­ple and afford­able. It does not require a life­long sup­ply of nutri­ents, expen­sive equip­ment, or much time.

The sys­tem has a 30 year his­to­ry of suc­cess and safe­ty. Our web­site pro­vides most, if not all, of the pro­to­cols designed by Man­fred von Ardenne to sup­port a spec­trum of health con­di­tions.


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