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Pathogens and Chloride

Pathogens and Chloride

Virus­es and oth­er pathogens tend to “pull” chlo­rine out of cir­cu­la­tion, result­ing in the inabil­i­ty for the stom­ach to draw chlo­rine to make stom­ach acid.

Dr. Emmanuel Revi­ci doc­u­ment­ed chlo­ride loss get­ting bound to dou­ble bonds of unsat­u­rat­ed fat­ty acids in path­o­gen­ic cells.

Per­sis­tent chlo­ride loss results in insuf­fi­cient chlo­ride avail­able to make stom­ach acid, hence the nor­mal loss of stom­ach acid result­ing from path­o­gen­ic or oth­er stress.

This defi­cien­cy even­tu­al­ly dis­ables stom­ach acid pro­duc­tion, and indi­rect­ly clogs the bile path. Final­ly, chlo­rine defi­cien­cy results in sys­temic lymph and liv­er tox­i­c­i­ty.

Toxin Accumulation

Indi­vid­u­als with viral, and cell wall defi­cient, pathogens often exhib­it an absence of stom­ach acid due to chron­ic imbal­ance in chlo­rine metab­o­lism.

Long term chlo­rine defi­cien­cy caus­es liv­er con­ges­tion, and degen­er­a­tion result­ing from sys­temic tox­in accu­mu­la­tion.

With opti­mal diges­tion, acid, exit­ing the stom­ach mix­es with alka­li bile. Insuf­fi­cient stom­ach acid lim­its bile release, and inter­feres with body-wide detox­i­fi­ca­tion.

The mix sep­a­rates food mol­e­cules into bio­log­i­cal­ly active charged par­ti­cles called ions, which the body uses.

The release of bile enables the body to “elim­i­nate” the tox­ins processed by the liv­er in feces. When the bile path expe­ri­ences insuf­fi­cient release, because of defi­cient stom­ach acid, inhib­it­ed tox­in release enables accu­mu­la­tion.

Stom­ach acid is essen­tial to detox­i­fi­ca­tion. An absence of stom­ach acid pre­vents the liv­er from releas­ing bile, which inhibits bile flow, which in turn pre­vents the entire liv­er and lym­phat­ic sys­tem from releas­ing stored tox­ins.what causes stress

If unad­dressed, gall and liv­er stones devel­op from result­ing in phys­i­cal block­age, as tox­ins con­dense into sol­id mass­es.

Deplete Stomach Acid

When stom­ach acid is deplete, there are three unfor­tu­nate results:

  1. Nutri­ents are not absorbed;
  2. Unfriend­ly organ­isms flour­ish in the gut fur­ther dis­rupt­ing diges­tive health;
  3. The liv­er refrains from releas­ing alka­li bile to avoid burn­ing the gut.

Indi­ca­tors for inad­e­quate stom­ach acid are:

  • Belch­ing;
  • Diges­tion which stalls in the stom­ach;
  • Heart­burn accom­pa­nied by belch­ing or upper GI bloat­ing or gas;
  • Chron­ic con­sti­pa­tion or diar­rhea

Over time, the com­bined absence of diges­tion bile release caus­es liv­er tox­ins to accu­mu­late, and final­ly health degen­er­ates due to both mal­nu­tri­tion and tox­ins. Chron­ic esoph­a­gus irri­ta­tion can lead to can­cer.


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