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Hypotension Protocol

13419662_sPlease see Hypoten­sion Cause for the Mod­el for this pro­to­col.

Protocol Model

Since the sev­er­al mod­els of hypoten­sion reflect chron­ic stress effects, hypoten­sion is usu­al­ly a pro­longed stress response pat­tern when the body los­es the abil­i­ty to main­tain ten­sion in the arter­ies to con­trol blood flow.

Many texts describe this as a sym­pa­thet­ic response is inhib­it­ed or parasym­pa­thet­ic acti­va­tion is ele­vat­ed, or both. Stress com­pen­sa­tion per­for­mance reflects col­lat­er­al per­for­mance in body sys­tems.  This mod­el con­sid­ers the stress a result of insuf­fi­cient oxy­gen deliv­ery — and a cause of var­i­ous dis­tress includ­ing headaches, called migraines, and degen­er­a­tion.

  1. Sys­temic and local oxy­gen deliv­ery per­for­mance
  2. Stress tol­er­ance cofac­tors (neu­tral­iza­tion & elim­i­na­tion)

Oxy­gen per­for­mance is a result of sev­er­al fac­tors (von Ardenne):

  1. Adap­tive deliv­ery to demand vari­ant tis­sues;
  2. Unim­ped­ed blood flow to vas­cu­lar­ized tis­sue;
  3. Plas­ma sat­u­ra­tion for deliv­ery to non-vas­cu­lar­ized tis­sue;
  4. Avail­able reserves of oxy­gen deliv­ery nutri­ent sub­strates;

Stress Tol­er­ance Cofac­tors

  1. Avail­abil­i­ty of Group 6 Chalco­gen Nutri­ents Sul­fur & Sele­ni­um / (Revi­ci)
  2. Oxy­gen Trans­port Cofac­tors, includ­ing B Vit­a­mins & Oxy­genic Min­er­als, Mg
  3. Vas­cu­lar Tone Mod­u­la­tors, n‑Butyl & glyc­erol

The goal of this pro­to­col is to opti­mize sup­port of under­ly­ing com­pen­sa­tion sys­tems. There are sev­er­al func­tion­al meth­ods:

  1. Opti­mize oxy­gen avail­abil­i­ty to reg­u­la­to­ry struc­tures / Hypoten­sion (Requires strong heart)
  2. Nutri­ents that sup­port Oxy­gen Trans­port
  3. Detox­i­fi­ca­tion of agents which inhib­it oxy­gen trans­port (Pri­ma­ry and Sec­ondary)
  4. Opti­mize oxy­gen avail­abil­i­ty to vas­cu­lar struc­tures / 36h
  5. Sup­ple­ment Nutri­ents that sup­port Vas­cu­lar Tone

Level 1 / LiveO2 — Oxygen Multistep Therapy

Please see our LiveO2 pro­to­col sup­port page for more infor­ma­tion.

This pro­to­col sup­ports hypoten­sion which results from:

  • Sys­temic hypox­ia — blood pres­sure is low because the whole body lacks oxy­gen and the vas­cu­lar sys­tem does not con­strict;
  • Endothe­lial Dys­func­tion — where oxy­gen deliv­ery to parts of the body which con­trol blood pres­sure is inhib­it­ed lim­it­ed because blood flow is lim­it­ed by inflam­ma­tion of the endothe­li­um. (doc­u­ment­ed by Man­fred von Ardenne)

For Hypoten­sion, con­sid­er these options:

  1. If you do not exer­cise reg­u­lar­ly use OMST 36h to build dura­bil­i­ty;
  2. After restor­ing dura­bil­i­ty use OMST Hypoten­sion;
  3. User OMST 15 min quick pro­ce­dure, or OMST Main­te­nance to main­tain opti­mal vas­cu­lar per­for­mance.

Please vis­it our prod­uct site for OMST sys­tems and nutri­ents. You will need to join the site to access pric­ing infor­ma­tion.

Level‑2 / Level‑1 + Oxygen Transport Nutrients

This pro­vides con­cur­rent main­te­nance of pri­ma­ry sys­tems which result in fail­ure to main­tain vas­cu­lar tone:

  • Oxy­gen to brain to sup­port areas that con­trol blood pres­sure with Oxy­gen Mul­ti­step Ther­a­py and Mito­chon­dria Nutri­ents;
  • Nutri­ents which aid in trans­fer of oxy­gen from blood to tis­sue;
Oxy­gen Trans­port Nutri­ents
Com­po­nent Role
Vit­a­min Cofac­tors for oxy­gen deliv­ery

Mag­ne­sium Oro­tate / Chlo­ride

Mag­ne­sium aids oxy­gen use by cells and desat­u­ra­tion
Thi­amine (Vit­a­min B3)
Mobi­lizes bile and acti­vates liv­er detox­i­fi­ca­tion
Vasoreg­u­la­tor aids dila­tion response. Pro­vides NO sub­strate for vasoreg­u­la­tion and CN detox­i­fi­ca­tion path­ways.

Level‑3 / Level‑2 + Oxygen Transport Detox Nutrients

Tox­ins which bind to hemo­glo­bin sites on red blood cells lim­it oxy­gen trans­port.

Com­po­nent Role
Improves chlo­ride oxi­da­tion of stress tox­ins. Sup­plies ion­ic mag­ne­sium and sul­fur. Aids elim­i­na­tion Nitrate and Ammo­ni­um ureas.


Aids reduc­tion of Ammo­ni­um ureas. Aids elim­i­na­tion of tox­ic lipids which accu­mu­late with pro­longed stress.
Aids cel­lu­lar neu­tral­iza­tion of stress tox­in anti­bod­ies that devel­op in response to tox­ic expo­sure. Can replace oxy­gen as a metabo­lite dur­ing acute stress because of chem­i­cal reac­tive sim­i­lar­i­ty, hence aid acute stress tol­er­ance when reserves are suf­fi­cient.


Level‑4 / Level‑3 + Vaso-regulator Nutrients

This titra­tion pro­vides a ramped sup­port for vas­cu­lar cofac­tors which depend on quan­ti­ta­tive dys­reg­u­la­tion lev­el.

Sup­ple­ment Pur­pose
Flow E, Flow C Aid kid­neys and flu­id dis­tri­b­u­tion Mag­ne­sium salts & Glyc­erin. Sup­port elec­trolytes to main­tain flu­id
Elec­trolyte Defi­cien­cy Adds work­ing salts and adren­al agents to improve ion­ized min­er­al avail­abil­i­ty. Impor­tant with Betaine-HCL to improve diges­tion.

Rec­om­mend exper­i­ment using Flow EC to man­age blood pres­sure dur­ing day. Low BP is like­ly some com­bi­na­tion of hypox­ia. Flow C and Flow E tend to push metab­o­lism toward Ana­bol­ic and will aid sleep.

  1. Use BP Cuff to take BP
  2. Use it to man­age Dosage by table below
  3. And take the fol­low­ing num­ber of drop­pers

Sug­gest­ed Usage Table:

Sys­tolic BP
Drop­pers of Flow E & C
Cap­sules of Elec­trolyte Defi­cien­cy
< 115
< 110
< 105
< 100
< 95

Drop­per: 1 mL is approx­i­mate­ly 1 drop­per full or about 10 drops.


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