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Chloride Modulation

Chlorine Titration Experiences/Experiments


This exper­i­ment attempt­ed to uti­lize mix­es of chlo­rides to increase/regulate chlo­rides.


The issue with chlo­rides seems to be accu­rate­ly described by Revi­ci.  Excess bio-avail­able chlo­rides tend­ed to over salt, and over acid­i­fy.  Extra chlo­rides did not resolve the effects or clear antag­o­nis­tic lipids which influ­enced metab­o­lism in a pro-cata­bol­ic bias.

Spectral Mix, KCl, MgCl, ACl, ATh, 700 mg each

We have addi­tion­al sig­nif­i­cant analy­sis of how stress adverse­ly affects health. These resources pro­vide a much deep­er analy­sis of the phys­i­cal nature of stress, and how to restore stress-relat­ed dam­age:

Used 700 mg each KCl, MgCl, NH4C l(ACl), & Ammo­ni­um Thoisul­fate (ATH), 700 mg each. This exper­i­ment tar­get­ed deter­mi­na­tion of inclu­sion of Mag­ne­sium Chlo­ride into the mix. Gen­er­al­ly MgCl and KCl togeth­er seem to pro­duce a strong and per­sis­tent alka­li ten­den­cy.


  1. Pro­duced strong alka­li trend in urine and sali­va indi­cia­tive of sys­temic alka­lo­sis. Uri­nary pH ranged from 6.2 to 6.6 for over 24 hours. Sali­va pH ranged from 7 to 8.4.
  2. Urine con­duc­tiv­i­ty was ele­vat­ed through­out day, as expect­ed with this lev­el of salt intake. Just before bed­time, UmS decreased to 5.2 ms from over 20.
  3. Very tired at end of day. Slept very well.
  4. Took all salts at once. Result was stom­ach dis­com­fort which per­sist­ed for about 1 hour. Like­ly too much salt at once stressed stom­ach.
  5. Sense of well being was com­pro­mised through­out day was lim­it­ed. Felt a bit drag­gy. Expe­ri­enced minor mus­cule cramps in legs in evening includ­ing move­ment dis­com­fort in right hip. Neck and shoul­ders were sore also.
  6. Urine was very yel­low all day. Like­ly indi­cat­ing ele­vat­ed tox­in release in urine.
  7. Fol­low­ing Day
  1. Neck dis­com­fort per­sist­ing. Minor hip dis­com­fort.
  2. 8:00 am Sig­nif­i­cant resid­ual Alka­lo­sis. UpH 6.6 / SpH 8.5. Respond­ed with Ammo­ni­um Phos­phate to bring num­bers toward nor­mal range. Alka­lo­sis con­firmed due to response to acid buffers (even though pH meter was about to fail(
  3. 9:00 a.m. Neck dis­com­fort eased released after Ammo­ni­um Phos­phate. Urine in alka­line tide after breakfast/coffee (7.5 pH) but sys­temic alkolo­sis symp­toms appear to have reduced.
  4. 10:00 am. Took 2 more Ammo­ni­um Phos­phate cap­sules. Bile released and had detox stool 2x. Response sug­gests alka­li over­load lim­it­ed liv­er release. Acid enabled neu­tral­iza­tion, so with­held liv­er con­tents released. Feel­ing quite good now. All aches in hips/neck/etc are gone.
  5. Tend­ed toward Alka­lo­sis until evening. 4 betaine used to aid diges­tion.
  6. Smoked part of a cig­ar. Sig­nif­i­cant increase to resonse to nico­tine — sug­gests reduced resis­tance to effects of nico­tine. Obser­va­tion con­sis­tent with “anti-fat­ty acid” detox­i­fi­ca­tion method sug­gest­ed by Revi­ci. The heme evi­denced by pro­longed dark urine sug­gests that ery­thro­cyt­ic release of AUFAs is incom­lete and dri­ves ele­vat­ed break­down of RBCs, increas­ing turnover, and indi­ca­toins there­of.

pH Meter Failure

Exper­i­ment end­ed when pH meter unrea­son­ably for suc­ces­sive read­ings and neu­tral sub­stances. Test­ed with acetic acid. The pH meters became biased very alka­li. Meter fail­ure was dupli­cat­ed with a sec­ond meter which failed sim­i­lar­ly, show­ing very alka­li read­ing, 8+ with­in the first read­ing.

pH Meter Failed — and sec­ond meter failed. This like­ly reflects detox­i­fi­ca­tion of flourine as HFl. Hydro­flu­o­ric acid dis­solves glass. Meter fail­ure like­ly result­ed from etch­ing of ion chan­nels in the meter. The urine HFl con­tent appar­ent­ly con­cen­trat­ed enough to destroy the meter with­in 60 sec­onds of expo­sure.

The prob­abe expla­na­tion is that I was releas­ing enough Hydro­flu­o­ric acid to dam­age the probes. The HFl like­ly etched the ion chan­nels in the probe and ruined them.

ACl + ATh, 700 mg each

This pro­to­col is a bal­anced acid pro­to­col. Use of this pro­to­col cre­at­ed a ten­den­cy for aci­do­sis which per­sist­ed into the next day. Next day used 2 tsp of Mag­ne­sium car­bon­ate. Recov­ery was rapid. Felt great all day.

Fol­low­ing day aci­do­sis indi­ca­tions per­sist­ed in urine, mild­ly fatig­ured. Took Mag­ne­sium Car­bon­ate, 2 tsp to neur­tral­ize acid. Ener­gy returned to nor­mal. Felt very good all day.



  1. Pro­duce a ten­den­cy to vary from alka­lo­sis to aci­do­sis. UpH ran from the low 5’s and sali­va pH was in the upper six­es.
  2. Felt ener­gized and had good ener­gy through­out day.
  3. Felt “trim” and like was los­ing weight.
  4. Ini­tial dose cre­at­ed stom­ach dis­com­fort, like­ly indi­cat­ing salt over­load in one dose.
  5. Try pro­to­col absent KCl.



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