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Low Stomach Acid

What is Betaine-HCL?

Betaine-HCLBetaine-HCLBetaine-HCL is stom­ach acid in a pill.   Chem­i­cal­ly it is Hydrochlo­ric Acid, HCl, com­bined with Trimethyl-Glycene, TMG.  In  the stom­ach, TMG and HCL break apart.  The HCl becomes stom­ach acid while the TMG helps your body detox­i­fy. See methy­la­tion for more infor­ma­tion on TMG.

What does Stomach Acid have to do with stress?

Every­body knows what stress is, but almost nobody knows what it does to your body. In the prim­i­tive human terms, stress puts your body into emer­gency mode.

Emer­gency mode turns off/down non-essen­tial body process­es, (heal­ing, diges­tion, etc.) to save ener­gy an antic­i­pat­ed emer­gency. This antic­i­pa­to­ry mode, readi­ness for flight-or-fight, in prin­ci­ple, puts us in readi­ness to sur­vive, attack or flee and antic­i­pates injury.  There are many dif­fer­ent stages, and caus­es of stress:

  • Injury or trau­ma
  • Fear — trig­ger­ing fight or flight defens­es
  • Toxins/poisons
  • Infec­tions
  • Anx­i­ety
  • Many oth­ers…
Did you ever notice that your diges­tion stalls when you’re scared, angry, or injured?  

This is because diges­tion is less impor­tant than pan­ic and escape.  The “scare” or “stress” response caus­es your body to shift pri­or­i­ties. It’s sim­ple.  Escap­ing a preda­tor is more impor­tant than digest­ing your lunch.  Fright, stress or trau­ma stop diges­tion because free chlo­ride ions, are a pow­er­ful oxi­diz­ing agents that pro­duce ener­gy, and neu­tral­ize tox­ins like­ly crit­i­cal dur­ing emer­gency. The three best known ener­gy sub­strates are:

  • Oxy­gen — used in all aer­o­bic res­pi­ra­tion res­pi­ra­tion process­es
  • Glu­cose — Can pro­duce ener­gy with­out oxy­gen 2 ATP/Glu­cose
  • Chlo­rine — There is lots in the blood, and it read­i­ly oxi­dizes tox­ins, and is crit­i­cal first-stage trauma/shock mech­a­nisms.

Your body frees up ready ener­gy sub­strates because they are crit­i­cal to sur­vival because they make ener­gy for phys­i­cal sur­vival. Your stom­ach stops so your body has more chlo­rine avail­able emer­gency use. Oxy­gen is a very spe­cial top­ic here . We’ve ded­i­cat­ed an entire web­site to it because it is so impor­tant. Stress caus­es your body to pre­pares to sur­vive WITHOUT oxy­gen.

Are you stuck in stress?

Stress isn’t just about your stom­ach and diges­tion — although this is prob­a­bly what most notice first. Pro­longed stress lim­its cell oxy­gen deliv­ery. The body is com­pen­sates by redi­rect­ing chlo­ride ions, to your cells. Chlo­ride ions are the main ingre­di­ent in stom­ach acid. Chlo­ride loss is caused by long term cel­lu­lar oxy­gen deliv­ery fail­ure. Pro­longed stress caus­es a break­down in crit­i­cal sys­tems:

  • Oxy­gen Deliv­ery decreas­es as as your body stays in a pro­longed pan­ic. Did you ever notice your first reflex upon being star­tled is to stop breath­ing? Count your breaths over 5 min­utes — opti­mal is about 16 per minute. If you breathe 14 or less times per minute, stress has shift­ed your metab­o­lism enough to chage your res­pi­ra­to­ry pat­tern. You are not pro­duc­ing enough CO2 to trig­ger res­pi­ra­tion — and your body is run­ning on more glu­cose and less oxy­gen than opti­mal. Cel­lu­lar Hypox­ia Page.
  • Antag­o­nis­tic Lipids are built to resist tox­ins. Cells con­sume huge amounts chlo­ride ions (Revi­ci), to con­struct anti-tox­ins that resist recur­ring cel­lu­lar tox­ins;
  • Diges­tion Decreas­es because extra chlo­ride ions are used when the body cells don’t have enough oxy­gen. Chlo­ride ion loss reduces diges­tive per­for­mance from decreased stom­ach acid. Over time chlo­ride loss caus­es clin­i­cal mal­nu­tri­tion, regard­less of diet — because nutri­ents can­not be absorbed prop­er­ly.


When you get stuck in emer­gency phys­i­cal mode, there nev­er seems to be enough HCL for your diges­tion. This caus­es sev­er­al symp­tom pat­terns:

Do you burp/belch or do you have GERD? Weak stom­ach acid fails to kill the microor­gan­isms in your food. These microor­gan­isms fer­ment your stom­ach con­tents, and make Car­bon Diox­ide that inflates the stom­ach with gas, and comes out as a burps.
Heart­burn Weak stom­ach acid fails to kill the microor­gan­isms in your food. These microor­gan­isms fer­ment stom­ach con­tents, and make Car­bon Diox­ide, CO2. These bub­bles per­co­late up and car­ry weak stom­ach acid into the esoph­a­gus. The weak acid irri­tates the esoph­a­gus caus­ing “heart­burn” dis­com­fort. Notice that peo­ple treat “heart­burn” by reduc­ing stom­ach acid, when the cause of heart­burn is usu­al­ly stom­ach acid that is too weak!
Diar­rhea Food sits in the stom­ach with­out ion­iza­tion that it becomes tox­ic. The body eleim­i­nates it by dump­ing it into the gut. Tox­ins cause the gut to rapid­ly move the tox­ins to avoid absorp­tion. Do your stool con­tents look and smell like pre­vi­ous meals?
Does food “sit” in your stom­ach? Then you don’t have enough HCL to ion­ize food so the food remains in the stom­ach and you feel bloat­ed with slug­gish diges­tion.

Oxygen Delivery

When your diges­tion weak­ens, you will prob­a­bly notice that stress caus­es oth­er unex­plain­able prob­lems:

  • Joints and mus­cles are more sore;
  • You feel more tired — Fatigue Infor­ma­tion;
  • Injuries don’t heal as fast;
  • Your immune sys­tem does­n’t work as well;
  • Your feet devel­op cracks;
  • Your eye­sight decreas­es;
  • Your voice sounds rough;
  • You devel­op vari­cose veins.

When you ask your doc­tor about what caus­es these things — you get the stan­dard “We don’t know” answer, fol­lowed by a dis­cus­sion of some drug that some­times seems to help these par­tic­u­lar symp­toms. It is impor­tant to rec­og­nize that diges­tive mal­func­tion occurs because the body is los­ing the long-term abil­i­ty to deliv­er oxy­gen to cells. This results in esca­lat­ing use of chlo­rine to for cel­lu­lar oxi­da­tion. This is where the chlo­rine — that your body used to use for diges­tion decreas­es.

The Glucose Connection and Acidic Metabolism

This con­di­tion also dis­rupts glu­cose metab­o­lism. Glu­cose use goes up because cells that don’t have enough oxy­gen use up to 19 times more glu­cose. This caus­es anaer­o­bic lock. Dis­rup­tion appears appears as either hypo­glycemia or hyper­glycemia, depend­ing on how strong your liv­er is. If it goes on a long time, as hyper­glycemia, oth­er organ­isms, yeast and fun­gi bloom in body flu­ids, and fur­ther dis­rupt glu­cose metab­o­lism. Dia­betes Mod­el Here . Did you ever won­der why you crave car­bo­hy­drates under stess? Stress reduces oxy­gen deliv­ery and forces more cells to run on glu­cose. You com­pen­sate by con­sum­ing more sug­ar, or mak­ing more in the glucagon cycle in the liv­er. If you can’t get 19 times more glu­cose to make up the ener­gy dif­fer­ence — then you get fatigue. This presents as a matrix of prob­lems:

These symp­toms indi­cate that stress has reduced your body’s sol­u­ble oxy­gen sup­ply. Very Impor­tant: This is NOT med­ical oxy­gen sat­u­ra­tion mea­sured by hemo­glo­bin bind­ing to red blood cells.

Fishbowl Cells

Stress affects Fish­bowl Cells first. We call them fish­bowl cells because they are like a fish in a fish­bowl and must live on the oxy­gen dis­solved in the flu­id that sur­rounds them. These cells are not con­nect­ed to the vas­cu­lar sys­tem:

  • White Blood Cells — reside in lymph and trav­el through­out the body
  • Lens of the eye — cap­il­lar­ies would pre­vent vision
  • Con­nec­tive Tis­sue, lig­a­ments, ten­donons, car­ti­lage — Stress would destroy cap­il­lar­ies
  • Artery, cap­il­lary and Vein Cells — Even though these cells car­ry oxy­genat­ed blood, they can­not use it. Blood flies by so fast that hemo­glo­bin bound oxy­gen can­not be deliv­ered. Vas­cu­lar cells They must use oxy­gen dis­solved in blood plas­ma.
  • Lar­ynx / Voice Box — voice becomes rough (remem­ber know­ing some­one was stressed or sick by their voice? This is why.)

Stress caus­es hypox­ia in fish­bowl tis­sues first. This is what caus­es the oth­er symp­toms that occur when you have stress episodes. Long term stress pre­cedes seri­ous health issues that result from tis­sues made of fish­bowl cells:

This med­ical­ly unno­ticed fac­tor is why “stress” seems to cause so many health prob­lems. Fish­bowl cells are more vul­ner­a­ble to stress because they their oxy­gen sup­ply is slight­ly less durable than cells sup­plied by the vas­cu­lar sys­tem… But only slight­ly. Over­train­ing and exer­tion cause stress. This is an expla­na­tion of how these fac­tors affect ath­letes. Vis­it entire site.

Downstream Tissues

It’s not just about the fish­bowl cells. Since the pipes that deliv­er oxy­gen, the vas­cu­lar sys­tem, is made of fish­bowl cells, every cell in the body is indi­rect­ly vul­ner­a­ble to stress. Here is how down­stream tis­sues are affect­ed by stress:

  • A stress event reduces sol­u­ble oxy­gen;
  • This caus­es tem­po­rary hypox­ia in the the vas­cu­lar sys­tem;
  • Which trig­gers inflam­ma­tion in the endothe­li­um as sodi­um accu­mu­lates in endothe­lial cells;
  • The swelling lim­its blood flow to plas­ma (stops red blood cells) and reduces oxy­gen deliv­ery;
  • Plas­ma car­ry­ing glu­cose is still deliv­ered, so cells switch to anaer­o­bic ener­gy pro­duc­tion;
  • They start pro­duc­ing lac­tic acid;
  • Reduced cap­il­lary flow lim­its tis­sue drainage and the tis­sue region becomes acidic;
  • Ener­gy pro­duc­tion drops pro­por­tion­ate to avail­able glu­cose & oxy­gen;
  • CO2 pro­duc­tion drops;
  • Tis­sue oper­ates at a low ener­gy state, with lim­it­ed per­for­mance and reduced resis­tance to pathogens;
  • Tis­sue uti­lizes chlo­ride ions to par­tial­ly com­pen­sate for oxy­gen defi­cien­cy;
  • Even­tu­al­ly dis­ease and degen­er­a­tion occur.

This cap­il­lary choke mech­a­nism lim­its these cap­il­lary chokes. They inhib­it blood flow to viru­tal­ly any tis­sue, any­where, and any­time. Cap­il­lary chokes cause two dif­fer­ent prob­lems:

  • First they cause many med­ical­ly unex­plain­able con­di­tions degen­er­a­tion, sore­ness, degen­er­a­tion, and even­tu­al­ly tis­sue dis­eases;
  • Sec­ond, these tis­sues over-con­sume chlo­ride ions, which reduces chlo­ride avail­able to the stom­ach for diges­tion.

This is one rea­son chlo­ride deple­tion gets worse with time. As more of the body locks into a stress pat­tern, the more glu­cose and chlo­ride drain from the sys­tem. Oxy­gen Mul­ti­step Ther­a­py revers­es cap­il­lary chokes. These effects can hap­pen any­where, but cells that lack a “reg­u­lar” blood sup­ply from the vas­cu­lar sys­tem are affect­ed first. These cells are most eas­i­ly iden­ti­fied by the absence of oxy­gen sup­plied by cap­il­lar­ies.

How do I fix it?

Many of these con­di­tions can be sta­bi­lized — when oxy­gen is restored ear­ly. Pro­longed oxy­gen deple­tion often results in per­ma­nent tis­sue degen­er­a­tion. This degen­er­a­tion is often erro­neous­ly blamed on “age”. Degen­er­a­tion occurs because cells have lost some­thing they they need to remain healthy. If your degen­er­a­tion is because of stress it’s prob­a­bly because new stress has reduced your body’s oxy­gen deliv­ery. Vis­it our for more infor­ma­tion on how these degen­er­a­tive mech­a­nisms work, and how to resist and often reverse them.

Poor digestion is caused by chronic stress

If you want to fix your diges­tion, you will need to fix dam­age caused by stress. It is crit­i­cal to restore your oxgyen lev­els — oth­er­wise you can­not stop the loss that cre­ates the chlo­ride defi­cien­cy which lim­its diges­tion. Betaine-HCL is a very effec­tive way to tem­porar­i­ly restore stom­ach acid. For per­ma­nent repair, you must stop the chlo­ride leaks caused by accu­mu­lat­ed tis­sue stress. This usu­al­ly means you will have to fix your oxy­gen metab­o­lism.

Who Are We?

Whole Health Net­work sup­plies inte­grat­ed sys­tems that reverse the effects of stress effects includ­ing:


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