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18 month bad Knee Restored in 3 weeks

Win­ston was Michael Vick­’s blind side guy until the 2010 play­offs when he over­played and made a bad injury worse. Eleven months, and two surg­eries lat­er, he could bar­ley walk, let alone run or play.

We did 3 Enstem ther­a­py ses­sions Mon­day, Tues­day and Wednes­day.  With­in 3 weeks he was start­ing.  The car­ti­lage and knee dam­age, report­ed­ly micro-frac­ture, healed enough that he had no fur­ther issue with the knee.

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Win­ston’s looked at me like I was crazy when  I told him we could have him back by Novem­ber.  I was good-wrong by 2 weeks.

Win­ston Jus­tice, PHL, is back on the line.  Win­ston spent the first 5 games of the sea­son with a bum knee.  Yes­ter­day, he report­ed he felt very strong in the upset vic­to­ry against the Red­skins.

Our Injury Heal­ing Sys­tem based on Ener­getic Stem Cell Acti­va­tion, sta­bi­lized his knee way faster than I pre­dict­ed.

Here is the story from Winston Himself:

Win­ston con­tact­ed me 3 weeks ago to see if we could help his knee.  We used our com­bo-sys­tem:

And it worked — fast.  Check out the newslet­ter arti­cle announc­ing his return… 

The SBNation Newsletter reports

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Injury Recovery