
First Aid

pre­vi­ous Ver­sion

First Aid for injuries. Sta­bi­liza­tion is always a first pri­or­i­ty.

Pro­to­col Inflam­ma­tion Role Until
RICE Lim­it inflam­ma­tion by mechan­i­cal and ther­mal meth­ods. 24 hours
PEMF Injury Area Aids inflam­ma­tion man­age­ment. Strength­ens sur­round­ing tis­sue decreas­ing col­lat­er­al dam­age. Aids arte­r­i­al con­stric­tion reflex to reduce bleeding/bruising. Improves oxy­gen desat­u­ra­tion to dam­aged tis­sues. Strength­ens cells in the dam­aged area improv­ing sur­vival of mar­gin­al tis­sues. Improves blood dis­per­sion aid­ing nutri­ent and waste flow. Pain stops
ePad Injury Local­ly increas­es zeta poten­tial to aid dis­per­sion of waste prod­ucts by pro­vid­ing free elec­trons to the injury site. Dis­per­sion inhibits pathogen col­o­niza­tion, and repli­ca­tion. Reduces con­ges­tion in nutri­ent path­ways. Heal­ing Com­plete
OMST Trau­ma Lim­it tis­sue hypox­ia dam­age by local increase of oxy­gen par­tial pres­sure. Omit “heat” while ice is in use.
Home­o­path­ic Arni­ca the injury Helps reduce bruis­ing, swelling. Mech­a­nism unknown. No Dis­com­fort
Home­o­path­ic Oral Arni­ca & Hyper­icum Arni­ca helps reduce bruis­ing, swelling. Hyper­icum aids neu­ro­log­i­cal response injury. Mech­a­nism unknown. 24 hours

Prompt and effec­tive first aid can reduce injury dam­age by 50–80%, and reduce recov­ery times pro­por­tion­al­ly.

Ener­getic sup­port of dam­aged tis­sue is a new prin­ci­ple::

Heal­ing is trig­gered by inflam­ma­tion. Inflam­ma­tion is a bal­ance. It is impor­tant not to “sup­press” inflam­ma­tion beyond sta­bi­liza­tion. In oth­er words con­ser­v­a­tive use of “anti-inflam­ma­to­ries” is advised.

Second Aid

Sec­ond aid opti­mizes the organ­ism to sup­port the injured area by feed and flow to/from the injury site. Feed and flow are the keys. This pro­to­col opti­mizes avail­abil­i­ty and deliv­ery of agents which lim­it heal­ing rates:

Role Use
PEMF Injury Area Aids heal­ing process­es rate lim­it­ed by ener­gy.
Increas­es nutrient/oxygen dif­fu­sion by induc­ing elec­tro­po­ra­tion which improves nutrient/oxygen avail­abil­i­ty to non-vas­cu­lar tis­sue. Aids oxy­gen desat­u­ra­tion.
On dis­com­fort + 2x dai­ly 15–30 min.
PEMF Liv­er Sup­port whole metab­o­lism detox and ener­gy.
Dai­ly. Increase from 3 min by 3 min
bone mar­row
Aid pro­duc­tion and release of stem cells
to aid regen­er­a­tion of injured area.
Dai­ly. Increase from 6 min by 3 min
ePad Injury Increase injury area zeta poten­tial to sup­port incom­ing nutri­ents and out­go­ing waste.
Col­loidal Sil­i­ca Antiox­i­dant decreas­es ORP 1000+ mV by increas­ing elec­tron avail­abil­i­ty. Increase sys­temic zeta poten­tial aid­ing RBC dis­per­sion and sys­temic nutri­ent and oxy­gen avail­abil­i­ty. Aids col­la­gen syn­the­sis.
Dai­ly 1200 mg
Stem Cell Nutri­ents Feed­stock to opti­mize stem cell pro­duc­tion
Dai­ly 600 mg
Hyaluron­ic Acid Pro­motes suc­cess­ful inflam­ma­tion. Use top­i­cal­ly also.
Dai­ly 150 mg
Col­la­gen Feed­stock Build­ing mate­ri­als for col­la­gen.
Dai­ly 15000 mg.
Vit­a­min C Aid col­la­gen syn­the­sis. The body uses large amounts of vit­a­min C dur­ing heal­ing.
Dai­ly 3000 mg
Ana­bol­ic Joint Spray Alco­hols aid ana­bol­ic metab­o­lism for heal­ing. Improve oxy­gen (See Oxysock) avail­abil­i­ty for non-vas­cu­lar tis­sue.
3x dai­ly & with oxysock if avail
OMST Sys­temic, 36h and/or 15 min ath­let­ic Opti­mize oxy­gen plas­ma sat­u­ra­tion to sup­port non-vas­cu­lar tis­sue. Opti­mize tis­sue oxy­gen avail­abil­i­ty.
OMST Oxysock Increas­es oxy­gen par­tial pres­sure to injured site by dif­fu­sion and plas­ma par­tial pres­sure. Lim­its sec­ondary tis­sue hypox­ia.


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Injury Recovery