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Laurent Robinson — Last Season’s Ankle

Lau­rent Robin­son made big news this year with the Dal­las Cow­boys. Last year his ankle and sea­son fatigue lim­it­ed his per­for­mance, and career. We fixed his fatigue, and his ankle, so this year, he became a super­star. Here is the rest of the sto­ry…

WHN’s new ankle recov­ery pro­to­col is recov­ers emerg­ing super-stars left­over ankle injury in three 20 minute ses­sions.

Lau­rent Robin­son’s speed is back on.  A foot sprain that Robo­t­imes author pre­dict­ed to “linger”, is all gone.  It resolved in three three Mag­na­Pulse ses­sions over sev­er­al days.

  • Ses­sion 1: 30 Min­utes: Resolved range of motion lim­i­ta­tions and restored per­for­mance;
  • Ses­sion 2 & 3: 30 Min­utes: Resolved deep ache and arthrit­ic like symp­toms — Injury ful­ly resolved;
  • Lau­ren­t’s Notes page on
  • 2009 Bro­ken Fibu­la

High Ankle Sprain?  Check out This Sto­ry.


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