Data Sheet

Intend­ed Use: Trau­ma ban­dage, expe­dite recov­ery, non-drug pain relief. Works dur­ing active-use & trav­el.

Indi­ca­tions: pain, lac­er­a­tion, bruise, sprain, strain, cramp, injury, sore­ness


  • Closed wound: Apply to affect­ed area.
  • Open wound: Apply to cleaned wound
  • Bed Use: Place below sheet fac­ing upward under affect­ed area, hip, neck, head, etc.



  • Closed wounds:
    • inhibits/resolves bruis­ing
    • reduces pain
    • inhibits/prevents swelling
    • Accel­er­ates heal­ing at least 25%
  • Open Wounds*:
    • inhibits infec­tion (lipid con­ju­ga­tion & sil­ver ion gen­er­a­tion)
    • inhibits scarring/granulation (usu­al­ly pre­vents)
    • Accel­er­ates wound clo­sure
    • Inhibits bruis­ing
    • Inhibits swelling
    • Reduces pain

Sen­sa­tion: Pleas­ant warm­ing & decrease of dis­com­fort nor­mal­ly appar­ent with­in 20 min­utes of appli­ca­tion

Dura­bil­i­ty: Per­pet­u­al. Clean and reuse.

Clean­ing: Wash with soap and water.  Ster­il­ize by boil­ing or auto­clave.
Ingre­di­ents: can­vas, sil­ver fab­ric, organ­ic heal­ing stone

*Open Wounds — Sil­ver clo­sure rec­om­mend­ed. If sil­ver not avail­able enclose clo­sure in thin plas­tic and apply over thin lay­er of gauze.
