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  1. Radi­a­tion Horme­sis Overview. T.D. Luck­ey
  2. Jay Gui­ter­rez Intro­duc­tion — Excit­ed about the Cure
  3. Radi­a­tion Horme­sis: Mag­ic Stones and Can­cer, Part One and Part Two. Jacob Schor, ND
  4. Can Can­cer Be Treat­ed with Low Dos­es of Radi­a­tion. Jer­ry M. Cut­tler, D.Sc and Myron Pol­ly­cove, M.l.
  5. Appli­ca­tion ofLow Dos­es ofRa­di­a­tion for Cur­ing Can­cer. Radi­a­tion Sci­ence & Health Inc.
  6. Radi­a­tion Horme­sis, or, Could All That Radi­a­tion Be Good for Us? Jen­nifer L. Prekeges, MS, CNMT
  7. Resolv­ing the Con­tro­ver­sy over Ben­e­fi­cial Effects ofIon­iz­ing Radi­a­tion. Jer­ry M, Cut­tler
  8. It’s time to Tell the Truth About the Health Ben­e­fits of Low-Dose Radi­a­tion. James Muck­er­hei­de
  9. Using Low Dose Radi­a­tion for Can­cer Sup­pres­sion and Vital­iza­tion. Dr. Sadao Hat­tori Inter­view
  10. Under­dosed. Tom Bethel
  11. There Has Nev­er Been a Time that the Ben­e­fi­cial Effects of Low-Dose Ion­iz­ing Radi­a­tion were Not Known. James Muck­er­hei­de
  12. Dis­in­fect­ing Wounds with Radi­a­tion. Jer­ry M. Cut­tler
  13. Radi­a­tion Horme­sis: Demon­strat­ed… Joel Kauff­man
  14. Per­son­al Accounts Part 3 and Part 4
  15. Pro­to­cols — Fun­gus, Gen­er­al Pro­to­cols
  16. T.D. Luck­ey Cor­re­spon­dence
  17. Hat­tori Study Results,
  18. Elec­tri­cal World 1897.


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