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Zeta Potential

Zeta poten­tial is the prop­er­ty of a flu­id which enables par­ti­cles to remain sus­pend­ed. 
Zeta poten­tial is influ­enced by the ener­getic charge dis­tri­b­u­tion in a flu­id.  Gen­er­al­ly the high­er the fluid’s avail­able ion­ic poten­tial res­i­dent in the flu­id, the greater the abil­i­ty to main­tain dis­tri­b­u­tion of the par­ti­cles. 

Here is a video which illus­trates the prin­ci­ple which I used in our lab using PEMF to increase the Zeta Poten­tial for a blood sam­ple on a slide.   Increased zeta poten­tial is the “rea­son why” the cells sep­a­rate. 

Horme­sis prod­ucts emit beta par­ti­cles – these par­ti­cles are elec­trons.  When they enter a flu­id, they attach to the polar­ized water mol­e­cules, and cre­ate pseu­do-ions.  I assert that these pseu­do-ions increase the net elec­tro-neg­a­tiv­i­ty, of the solu­tion, and ele­vate the zeta poten­tial until they escape.

I assert that the use of “radioac­tive” mate­ri­als, is a con­ve­nient source of sol­u­ble elec­trons.  I sus­pect that a spe­cial attribute, per­haps spin or momen­tum, of these “Nuclear elec­trons” enables them to behave like a solute instead of migrat­ing to the sur­face, as  “Faraday’s prin­ci­ple regard­ing elec­tron dis­tri­b­u­tion for a con­duc­tor” sug­gests they would..

Entry of the “charged par­ti­cle” into the solu­tion cre­ates a sticky effect, where the elec­tron sticks to water.  The stick­ing enables the elec­tron to tan­gle, and slow­ly drift through the water dur­ing its jour­ney.  This tacky-float­ing effect explains why “water” holds radi­a­tion.  When the elec­tron reach­es the sur­face, and then pops free, as a mea­sur­able beta-par­ti­cle again.

I do not share the view that radioiso­topes, “ura­ni­um”, “tho­ri­um” or “radi­um” are rel­e­vant with the major­i­ty of the effects of the Hormet­ics.  They serve as long-term elec­tron donors.
Ion­iza­tion, and influ­ence on zeta poten­tial is unlike­ly.  They are “rocks”, chem­i­cal­ly bound into insol­u­ble forms.  If they were part of sol­u­ble com­pounds, they would have washed away already.

Col­lec­tive­ly, the “sol­u­ble elec­trons” have the dom­i­nant effect on Zeta Poten­tial, while the rocks with inter­est­ing ele­ments sit there.

For zeta poten­tial, the chem­i­cal attrib­ut­es, par­tic­u­lar­ly tho­ri­um, or oth­er radio-iso­topes, is deter­mined by the ion­ic poten­tial of the out­er elec­tron shell.  For exam­ple Alu­minum is a pow­er­ful floc­cu­lat­ing agent with a +3, crash­es the zeta poten­tial. 

The mud-packs for exam­ple, chem­i­cal­ly iso­late the source mate­r­i­al from the receiv­er mate­r­i­al.  The tiny size of elec­trons enables them to pass through the plas­tic pack­age.  In this case, the sol­u­ble elec­trons enter solu­tion.

Here is a video where I doc­u­ment sev­er­al oth­er prob­a­ble expla­na­tions for the observ­able effects of horme­sis: Horme­sis Sci­ence Video

Zeta Poten­tial

Sta­bil­i­ty behav­ior of the col­loid

from 0 to ±5,

Rapid coag­u­la­tion or floc­cu­la­tion

from ±10 to ±30

Incip­i­ent insta­bil­i­ty

from ±30 to ±40

Mod­er­ate sta­bil­i­ty

from ±40 to ±60

Good sta­bil­i­ty

more than ±61

Excel­lent sta­bil­i­ty

This expla­na­tion par­tial­ly con­tra­dicts the view that horme­sis is based on antag­o­nis­tic influ­ences from high ener­gy radi­a­tion.  The ener­gy and par­ti­cle dis­tri­b­u­tion out­put of stones and pads very mild, and does not fit the emis­sion pro­files described in his­tor­i­cal lit­er­a­ture.
Out­put is 99.99 per­cent beta par­ti­cles which bare­ly pen­e­trate paper. 

This low ener­gy indi­cates that lit­tle, if any destruc­tive effect seems fea­si­ble.  The lev­el of out­put of gam­ma par­ti­cles is bare­ly mea­sur­able com­pared to back­ground lev­els, .080 mR/hr com­pared to .020 mR/hr (back­ground).  See Beta Horme­sis Video for a dis­cus­sion of how these lev­els.



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