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Cellular Fatigue

Indi­vid­u­als with agent orange and oth­er organophos­phate issues should up-reg­u­late their metab­o­lism with LiveO2. See ref­er­ences on Cel­lu­lar Fatigue.

Detox Challenges

The Detox­i­fi­ca­tion Chal­lenge Nor­mal detox­i­fi­ca­tion pro­to­cols often cause seri­ous side effects for indi­vid­u­als with Agent Orange expo­sure. As a result, stan­dard detox­i­fi­ca­tion, fast­ing, and oth­er well known approach­es rarely work for Agent Orange. Tox­in-release symp­toms are unbear­ably severe for most. Gen­er­al pur­pose detox­i­fi­ca­tion lib­er­ates tox­ins. The freed tox­ins trig­ger seri­ous, often unbear­able, ill­ness, and over­load the body’s elim­i­na­tion …

Detox Protocol

Lipophilic Detox We pro­pose that lipophilic dilu­tion cleans­ing is a safe and effec­tive method to reduce the tox­in con­cen­tra­tions in the liv­er and body. Lipophilic Detox eBook Gen­er­al Liv­er Pro­to­col Lipophilic Detox Kit The mod­el is sim­ple. Think about the oil in your car’s engine. When the oil is dirty, you change it, replac­ing dirty oil with …

PEMF Relief

PEMF Symp­tom Relief Liv­er inflam­ma­tion is a very com­mon symp­tom of agent orange. The liv­er is the fil­ter for lipophilic tox­ins which accu­mu­late most­ly in the liv­er. As a result the liv­er is most affect­ed by Agent Orange expo­sure. Pulsed mag­net­ic fields decrease liv­er inflam­ma­tion quick­ly, often in min­utes.  Pulsed fields elec­tri­cal­ly mas­sage liv­er cells. The mas­sage caus­es …

Electromagnetic Physiology

PEMF and Cell Phys­i­ol­o­gy Each cell is sur­round­ed by a thin lipid bilay­er mem­brane. The mem­brane has a volt­age, 70 mV. The exter­nal elec­tri­cal field inter­acts with the cells reg­u­lar mechan­ics pro­duc­ing ther­a­peu­tic effects: PEMF flex­es cell mem­branes to enable change. The exter­nal field inter­acts with the cel­l’s native field caus­ing revers­ing pulsed forces out­ward and then …


PEMF Phys­i­cal treat­ment Ini­tial treat­ment takes about ten min­utes. A wire probe is wrapped around the low­er rib cage. Sharply pulsed elec­tric­i­ty is induced in the probe. The puls­es stim­u­late liv­er cells and reduce inflam­ma­tion. Phys­i­cal­ly the treat­ment caus­es mild ener­getic sen­sa­tions with each pulse. The treat­ment is not painful, but it’s not “pleas­ant” either. The pulse gen­er­a­tor makes pop­ping …

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Agent Orange