Earlier this year I trained hard on Extreme O2. Shortly I felt good enough outrun my 11 year old in a 100 yard sprint — wearing sandals — running in a ditch — after 3 beers. This combination was a BAD idea.
I won the race with a grade‑2 ACL sprain (~60% torn), and an inguinal hernia.
The ACL was an easy fix with enstem & 2x daily magnapulse. I dropped the crutches in 2 days, full squat in a month, and felt all better in about 2 months. Six months later I had no physical memory of the knee injury.
The hernia is another story. Late Thursday hernia surgery readied me for Friday travel. At 7:00 a.m. I began the 6 leg trip home. This my harshest travel day ever. It was NOT fun.
I packed an ePad to dress the wound after surgery. Overnight I got minor swelling with no visible bruises. Earlier prepped for surgery with three hard ExtremeO2 sessions and felt clean internally.
24 hours after surgery, the repaired muscles were very-very angry — with a searing-hot pain. During a lull in the pain Revici’s wound pH management model came to my distressed mind:
- Distressed cells super-utilize chloride
- Lost Chloride orphans extracellular sodium causing regional alkalosis
- Alkalosis causes pain — And HOW !
- Revici injected Glycerol and n‑Butyl alcohol to neutralize the alkalosis
- It seemed my post-operative pain was a lot like Revici described in his analgesia patent.
The moral of the story is — An hour later — I’m pretty much pain free by combining his recipes with on-board energetic tools:
- 2 ml of selenated eleiostearic acid (TSel) — oral = 25 mg lipolized selenium DO NOT USE ANY OTHER SELENIUM FOR THIS — Ionic selenium is very toxic
- Topical DMSO, n‑Butyl + Glycerol — reapplied @ pain (approximately hourly).
- ePad continuous
- 15 min MagnaPulse / Zeta Probe — Morning & Evening
Now — you have to be a real nerd to have, let alone travel with this kind of stuff — but what can I say. Here’s a model of how the combination works:
- TSel — is the big daddy of bi-valent negative chalcogens.The selenium fed the distressed cells curbing their over-use of chloride. Oxidized lipids carry selenium only to pathogenic-stressed cells.
- Revici discovered n‑Butyl / Glycerol to neutralize alkalosis — studying wound-crust pH. The n‑butyl alcohol curbs the catabolic imbalance — while glycerol generates lactic acid and liberates OH+ to neutralize orphaned sodium in injured tissue (Anaerobic Krebs Cycle).
- The ePad donates electrons to increase local zeta potential making it easier to move nutrients in and waste out.
- MagnaPulse charges the cells and helps reduce inflammation.

Electron Distribution model Zeta Potential
This protocol model:
- Minimizes irritants — excess Na+ = alkali;
- Maximizes fluid mobility (zeta potential)
- Maximizes regional cellular energy productions
- and seems like it also ought to minimize recovery time — we’ll see tomorrow.
I’ll post again to see how long it takes until is to optimize the energetic, nutrient and cellular hygeine.
Curiously — with these optimized — there is only minor discomfort that abates quickly. Each dose of Anti-Alkalosis spray, and 6 minutes of MagnaPulse, cool the area back to comfort within 10 minutes.
I can’t say if or how much this method accelerates healing yet — but it seems that:
- minimized cellular irritation
- improved nutrient and waste mobility from ePads & MagnaPulse;
- will help healing and I’ll recovery faster than otherwise.
But NO MATTER how fast this heals — I won’t be sprinting to win any races without proper training & shoes again.