Mark Squibb

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  1. Stale Injury Care & Turf Toe — 2 comments

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Run Rip / Recover

Run Rip / Recover

Ear­li­er this year I trained hard on Extreme O2. Short­ly I felt good enough out­run my 11 year old in a 100 yard sprint — wear­ing san­dals — run­ning in a ditch — after 3 beers. This com­bi­na­tion was a BAD idea. I won the race with a grade‑2 ACL sprain (~60% torn), and an …

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Achilles Tendinitis

Achilles Tendinitis

This is a mul­ti-year case of pro­gres­sive Achilles ten­dini­tis that per­ma­nent­ly resolved in a sin­gle 1 hour ther­a­py ses­sion.  Full res­o­lu­tion took 30 days with 75% dis­com­fort relieved by the end of the ses­sion.

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Ankle Fixed — Brad Elder — Pro Golf

Brad Elder, PGA pro, reports how a sin­gle Enstem ther­a­py ses­sion resolved a 7 year nag­ging ankle injury that lim­it­ed his per­for­mance.

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Stale Injury Care & Turf Toe

turf toe injury

Stale Injury Care & Turf Toe EnStem is a new ener­getic ther­a­py for chron­ic inflam­ma­tion affect­ing con­nec­tive tis­sue. It has been 100% effec­tive resolv­ing stale and chron­ic injury with NFL clients so far.  Turf toe dis­com­fort usu­al­ly resolves with­in an hour, while oth­er injuries recov­er much faster than expect­ed. 

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For the past year I have been train­ing for my first marathon to be held this Octo­ber; it’s the Rock and Roll Marathon.  Last week­end, I had planned to run a 10‑k on Old Flow­ers but a few nights before, slipped on some rocks and twist­ed my ankle.

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Injury Recovery