For the past year I have been train­ing for my first marathon to be held this Octo­ber; it’s the Rock and Roll Marathon.  Last week­end, I had planned to run a 10‑k on Old Flow­ers but a few nights before, slipped on some rocks and twist­ed my ankle.

Pre­vi­ous­ly when things like this have occurred my rou­tine has been to take a break and rest for at least a week. In all hon­esty, when I heard about the PEMF, I was skep­ti­cal. (It is not very often that you hear about some­thing that can do what this machine can, so nat­u­ral­ly I was skep­ti­cal.).

With­in a few min­utes of it being applied to my ankle, the swelling was gone. In fact, I had swelling there pri­or to my acci­dent and that too was gone.  When I got home I still thought there was a chance the pain would come back but it nev­er did.  I am not sure how it all worked, but it did.

I lit­er­al­ly had no pain in my ankle. Thank you so much for let­ting me use the PEMF, I will whole­heart­ed­ly rec­om­mend it to any­one that has the same symp­toms that I have had.

I real­ly can’t say enough about my whole expe­ri­ence.  The real­i­ty is, my ankle was hurt­ing a few days before I used the machine and no longer hurt after I used it. I can’t thank you enough.

Take care,

Deb Ped­er­son,

Bel­lvue, Col­orado



    • Marian Despres on November 13, 2010 at 8:53 pm
    • Reply

    Hi Mark the sec­ond marthon run­ner end­ing in 34— does not come up when clicked on a mes­sage says it cant find it. Sor­ry to see Hunter got a dog bite but glad you got it healed so quick­ly. I will post about Al and Pemf in the near future.

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