Stale Injury Care & Turf Toe

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Stale Injury Care & Turf Toe

EnStem is a new ener­getic ther­a­py for chron­ic inflam­ma­tion affect­ing con­nec­tive tis­sue.

It has been 100% effec­tive resolv­ing stale and chron­ic injury with NFL clients so far.  Turf toe dis­com­fort usu­al­ly resolves with­in an hour, while oth­er injuries recov­er much faster than expect­ed. 

Are you in a hur­ry to heal?  Con­tact Us Now.

The  NFL Injury Report shows the per­for­mance of EnStema.  Jacob Bell, STL, upgrad­ed from ques­tion­able to prob­a­ble after his ham­string injury.  Win­ston Jus­tice, PHL, list­ed as “prob­a­ble” from week 1–6, reports lim­it­ed abil­i­ty to prac­tice for the first time this sea­son.  Watch for Win­ston’s return in Novem­ber.

Energetic Stem Acti­va­tion, EnStem, pre­pares injured tis­sue to host stem cells.  It reduces inflam­ma­tion, and improves mobil­i­ty with­in min­utes, with­out drugs.

Prepar­ing an injured area to nur­ture stem cells accel­er­ates heal­ing.  Most injuries, includ­ing sprains and mus­cle strains, heal in a frac­tion of nor­mal time.  See ongo­ing reports of accel­er­at­ed recov­ery at our — WHN Sports Page.

EnStemA has proven imme­di­ate­ly effec­tive accel­er­at­ing recov­ery from chron­ic ath­let­ic injury:

Please tell Face­book and Google that this is valu­able infor­ma­tion by click­ing our Like and 1+ but­tons above, or give us a Tweet!

Not con­vinced yet?  Check out the sto­ry of Win­ston Jus­tice sur­prise return to the Philadel­phia Eagles from Ener­getic Stem Acti­va­tion Ther­a­py.

The ther­a­py mod­el address­es unre­solved inflam­ma­tion caused by:

  • ongo­ing per­for­mance stress — joints: turf-toe, ten­donitis, etc.;
  • stale trau­ma — from surgery, frac­ture, or acute sprains that cause per­sist­ing inflam­ma­to­ry dis­com­fort;
  • results are imme­di­ate in 100% of cas­es to date.

EnStemA helps micro-trau­ma.  Micro-Trau­ma affects con­nec­tive tis­sue dam­age as micro­scop­ic lesions. When the dam­age rate exceeds the heal­ing rate, the con­di­tion caus­es chron­ic and often esca­lat­ing dis­com­fort, inflam­ma­tion, and final­ly struc­tur­al degen­er­a­tion.

The imbal­ance results from near con­stant strain-induced dam­age ver­sus a sub-opti­mal heal­ing rate from:

  • com­pro­mised tis­sue ener­gy
  • low con­nec­tive tis­sue oxy­gen lev­els
  • poor nutri­ent & waste mobil­i­ty in injured tis­sue.

EnStemA helps the hid­den cel­lu­lar, nutri­ent, and ener­getic fac­tors that accel­er­ate heal­ing in non-vas­cu­lar (con­nec­tive) tis­sue.

Ath­let­ic sub­jects (NFL play­ers) report:

  • Imme­di­ate post-ther­a­py symp­tom reduc­tion (a) of at least 40% after first ther­a­py with per­for­mance stress injury (b) and stale injury ©;
  • Imme­di­ate improved joint per­for­mance;
  • Joint sta­bal­iza­tion ~30 days post ther­a­py;
  • Near com­plete res­o­lu­tion of stale injury with­in 3 ses­sions;
  • Ful­ly restored joint mobil­i­ty and sta­bil­i­ty 6+ months post ther­a­py;
  • Un-inter­rupt­ed play, or restored play due to accel­er­at­ed recov­ery.

(a) (dis­com­fort & range of motion)

(b) (turf toe, ten­donitis, ham­string, etc.)

© (surgery & acute trau­ma);

Evi­dence indi­cates the method accel­er­ates recov­ery in recent acute injury also includ­ing accel­er­at­ed recov­ery from high ankle sprain.

See also:



    • andrew seabury on May 21, 2012 at 12:01 pm
    • Reply

    I would like to know where I can receive this therapy.I live in Tyler,Tx,and the clos­est city is Dallas.Thank You!

    1. Hi Andrew:
      I’m so sor­ry that I did­n’t catch your com­ment for so long. I will con­tact you when I return to Texas. It’s curi­ous that I was work­ing with clients in Dal­las and Austin when you left it!
      I you are still inter­est­ed — call me 970 494 1972

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